Write Your State Representatives Today to Ask Them to Support Farmland Protection and Farmland Access Programs in the State Budget
Our communities face uncertain times. Public health conditions are impacting everyday life for New Yorkers in a way not seen in generations. None of us know how this is going to unfold over the next few months, but one thing is certain: it is more important than ever to have local farms so they may continue to produce safe and healthy food to stock our grocery shelves. And in the coming days and weeks, as members of essential industries, New York’s farmers will be planting and preparing for the growing season ahead as they have in years past.
The exact toll of this crisis on farmers and eaters is unknown but, in this environment, the challenges New York farmers face to keep land in farming and keep their farms viable in order to continue to grow food to feed us all remain. While taking good care to stay safe and ensuring New Yorkers get the critical help they need right now, we must also continue to support farmers in this year’s state budget—to sustain rural economies and keep a thriving, accessible, and safe local food supply in New York for many years to come.
New York’s nearly 7 million acres of farmland form the essential base of the state’s farm and food economy, yet this irreplaceable land is often taken for granted. Currently, one-third of New York’s farmers are over the age of 65, and they own or operate almost 2 million acres of farmland that will be at risk of being sold for development as farmers retire in the coming months and years. It’s critical to support these farmers in transitioning their land to a new generation of growers. The challenge is, 90% of these senior farmers do not have someone farming alongside them who is poised to take over and finding farmland is a main barrier for new, young, and beginning farmers entering the field.
State budget decisions will be made in the coming days. Your action TODAY will help New York farmers keep land in farming and bring a diverse new generation of farmers onto the land to keep and start new farm businesses in New York. Please take a moment to write your state representative today to urge their support of programs that protect our vital farmland and help bring a new generation of farmers onto the land in this year’s state budget.
Take Action: Send a letter to your state representatives. Enter your information below, and with just one click, send a customized letter directly to your state representatives in support of strong funding for protecting our farmland and keeping farmers on the land in New York!
Call or Write Your State Representatives Today to Help K-12 Schools Serve More New York Grown Food to New York Kids
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