With your help, this year we have an important opportunity to put more schools on the path of purchasing and serving more fresh, healthy, local food to our children.
The New York Farm to School grants program and the New York State Farm to School Purchasing Incentive, funded in the state budget, work hand in hand to bring more New York grown and raised food to students in K-12 schools. This year’s state budget is under negotiation right now, and the governor and the state Legislature are considering adjustments to these programs to ensure they help more schools buy food from New York farms to serve to our students.
We ask you to join us in raising your voice to ask the state to continue funding the Farm to School Reimbursement Incentive while expanding it to all school meals in future years and increase funding for the Farm to School grants program to build the support schools need now to purchase and serve more New York grown food to New York kids.
TAKE ACTION: Call or write your state representatives today to let them know you support strong funding for both of these critical programs which help schools put more healthy, local food on our children's plates while supporting our state's farmers!
Not sure who to call? Find your state senator or assemblymember. Below is a suggested script to help you communicate with your representatives about the important opportunity before us:
“I am a constituent in your district, and this year I am calling to ask you to take three actions to support our state’s Farm to School programs. First, to maintain funding for the Farm to School Reimbursement Incentive at $10 million. Second, that you work to expand this program beyond lunch in future years to incentivize purchases of local food for all school meals. And finally, I ask you to support an increase in funding for the Farm to School grants program to $3 million to build a support network to help schools increase their purchases of New York grown food. Farm to School programs help grow our farm economy and strengthen our communities while improving the health of our kids. Thank you for considering these requests!“
With just one click on the “Take Action” button, enter your information and send a customized letter directly to your state representatives in support of strong funding for these critical programs which improve the health of our children and support our state’s farmers!
Call or Write Your State Representatives Today to Help K-12 Schools Serve More New York Grown Food to New York Kids
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