Canyon County Development Services has been working on an extensive update to the comprehensive plan for the past four years. This is two-years more than the average for previous comprehensive plan updates. The result, Growing Together, is a detailed and sophisticated approach to proactively planning for agriculture and making room for an estimated 111,000 more people by 2040.
The plan update includes:
Recognizing farmland as an important part of the tax base as it generates more property and sales tax revenue than it uses in county public services.
Maintaining and preserving a traditional way of life as part of a family legacy.
Strengthening the Canyon County agricultural economy: exports, jobs, supply chain to agriculture processing, etc.
The ability to grow our own food to supply local, regional, and global markets.
Maintaining scenic landscapes by preserving open space and environmental benefits.
The Board of County Commissioners have all the information they need to approve the plan update and begin to move forward urgently to protect and grow our valuable agricultural economy, which is worth $620 million per year - and over 5,000 full-time jobs!
Please use your voice to stand on firm ground with agriculture while there is still time to protect farmland, our communities, and our robust economy. Write to the Board of County Commissioners and ask for their bold action this year to approve the comprehensive plan update.
We just need a few pieces on information to connect you with your County Commissioners.
We are at a tipping point to protect agriculture and our way of life in Canyon County. We must act now to approve the 2030 Comprehensive Plan update this year. Our window of opportunity to save this irreplaceable culture and economy is narrowing rapidly.
I stand on firm ground with agriculture and urge you to:
Protect our ability to grow our own food to supply local, regional, and global markets.
Maintain and preserve a traditional way of life as part of our family legacy.
Maintain scenic landscapes by preserving open space and environmental benefits.
Strengthen the Canyon County agricultural economy: exports, jobs, supply chain to agriculture processing, etc.
Recognize farmland as an important part of the tax base as it generates more property and sales tax revenue than it uses in county public services.
The choice is clear: giving Canyon County working farms and ranches equal footing with future development decisions will balance economic development and growth in our communities.
Will you act immediately to approve the 2030 Comprehensive Plan update?
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